goffman - Page 1
GAO Told You So
This WaPo piece today is more notable for the context in which the violations come than the violations themselves, and recalls GAO’s previous caution: The inquiry reported immediately above was into something completely different, “contact between the agency’s top air official and Harvard University, his former employer.” GAO noted, on numerous occasions, Mr. Goffman’s approach to applicable legal limitations. These…
“Whole of government,” backdoor “climate” agenda placed before D.C. Circuit “To believe the Administrator’s own words, or not to believe—that is the question.” April 5, 2024: This morning, Government Accountability & Oversight (GAO) filed an Amicus Brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Commonwealth of Kentucky, et al., v. EPA. The brief sets forth how…
DC Circuit Accepts Energy Policy Advocates’ Amicus Brief re “Biden’s Back Door Climate Plan”
Readers may recall the March 17, 2021 WSJ editorial nicely summarizing a February 2021 amicus brief filed on behalf of Energy Policy Advocates in State of New York v. EPA. That is the progressive AGs’ effort to orchestrate a sue-and-settle to impose stronger ozone standards as a means of forcing GHG reductions. (It is fair to view that move as the Patient Zero of what has emerged…
Waiting to Declare the Climate Emergency
From the “Oh, they’d never do that” department we see a couple of emails produced the other night in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation by Energy Policy Advocates. There’s nothing quite like preparing well in advance to declare a (checks notes) “climate emergency”. Hey, one can never be too prepared! Even more amusing — in a rather dark, very…
Biden EPA Appointee Under Ethics Scrutiny (for the least of his transgressions)
Readers may recall this failure to disclose by EPA air office nominee Joseph Goffman, architect of the overturned Obama-Biden Clean Power Plan who is back at it now in the Biden administration — despite the record suggesting his own actions and disregard for the law are such that he should be nowhere near any such authority, or even in the…
Law Whispering is Dead, Long Live Law Whispering!
We don’ need no stinking SCOTUS opinions? The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has announced a Wednesday confirmation hearing for former Obama Environmental Protection Agency climate guru Joe Goffman to be Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation at the EPA. Goffman has served in an acting capacity or otherwise in-waiting since joining the Biden transition team,…
As Predicted: Sue-n-Settle Yields Biden’s Back Door Climate Plan
Trade press and other news reports yesterday confirmed something GAO readers know, which is that the Biden Administration is transparently re-running the Obama Year 1 “climate” playbook, to obtain praise from foreign leaders and energize the annual climate “Conference of the Parties” — this time, COP26 (or #Flop26 on Twitter). President Biden has signaled unambiguously that, at both this weekend’s Rome G20 meeting…
Hell Hath Frozen Over: Court Docs Suggest Repeat of Obama/Copenhagen, Biden EPA Plans to Spring Unprecedented “Back Door” Climate Rule, One Obama’s EPA Chief Called “Not Advisable”, in Glasgow
Surely — Again — Glasgow “Timing is a coincidence”: Biden EPA Replaying Obama EPA Trick for a “GHG NAAQS”? Sue-and-Settle also reappearing to avoid rulemaking, legislation So, this is fascinating, as well as potentially huge — and rather scandalous, as environmental policy scandals go. The Biden Administration appears set to subtly affirm in October a “‘Back Door’ Climate Plan” —…
EPA Heavily Redacts Official’s Recusal Information
The Biden Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has released selected, often heavily redacted records pertaining to the conflicts and recusals for Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, and Acting Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation (i.e., “climate”), Joe Goffman. The recusal statement is notable for what it does and does not include. As for the redactions, they appear to be heavy-handed given past…
Timely milestone for one of the most cynical documents obtained during the Obama administration With the signs increasing that the Biden EPA plans to use National Ambient Air Quality Standards (“NAAQS”) to impose its climate agenda without the political peril of congressional votes, GAO wishes an infamous Obama-Biden memo a Happy, Very Timely Anniversary. This particular memo, titled “Strategic Communications…