We already know of some loose compliance with disclosure and recusal matters in the Biden Administration, specifically pertaining to its push to impose the “climate” agenda without congressional authorization — expected to soon manifest itself in an Environmental Protection Agency filing before the DC Circuit next Friday, 10/29/21 in State of New York et al. v. EPA (in a major sue-and-settle move developed before the election with the assistance of Biden’s Acting Air Office chief, EPA will announce it is rescinding and replacing the Trump ozone standard, which EPA will then use to transform the Clean Air Act into an economy-wide decarbonization scheme it was never enacted to be).
Energy Policy Advocates has requested White House Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy’s recusal memo and records pertaining thereto. The Biden Administration has been rather less than compliant in those pursuits. Meanwhile, it appears Ms. McCarthy is roping in and introducing preferred outside “experts” to advise the administration on its climate scheme, with everyone careful to avoid offering or seeking details in writing.
Could this be problematic? With the Biden White House having very deliberately brought in its team of climate activists in such a way to avoid Senate confirmation, congressional oversight and FOIA, it would take a media willing to ask questions and get answers to find out.