Emails, Wayback Machine Gem Confirms: DiCaprio, Other Private Funders of Governmental Climate Litigation Paid Millions to “Climate” Lawyers Via Pass-through Charity
New revelations solve mystery whether wealthy donors are actually paying millions for lawyers to file massive “climate” lawsuits, despite contracts with taxpayer-clients set to pay same lawyers scores of millions as “contingency fee” out of clients’ alleged damages ‘Double-dipping’ at play? What did these generous politicians know and when did they know it? Archived web post shows DiCaprio Foundation at first…
‘Titanic’ Revelation: DiCaprio Nabs Starring Role in Private Financing of Government ‘Climate’ Lawsuits
Is this among the millions that foundations are providing to a ‘contingency fee’ tort firm? Did tort firm disclose to politician clients? Did politicians disclose to legislatures and taxpayers? In 2020, information surfaced in IRS Forms 990 filed by the non-profit Resources Legacy Fund (“RLF”) suggesting that the ‘climate nuisance’ and ‘consumer fraud’ lawsuits filed by Sher Edling, LLP on…
New Records Suit Against MN AG Ellison Raises Further Questions About Office’s Coordination With Outside Lobbyists
What’s in an Email Address? In Minnesota, the Answer Could be Quite Telling Last week, Energy Policy Advocates filed a lawsuit in Minnesota’s Fifth District Court (Lyon County) over the Minnesota Office of the Attorney General’s failure to provide public records which would shed light on why a University of Minnesota law professor was given an official email account from…